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- CLA : Currently Under Development List
- ======================================
- These are the features either currently being worked on, or pencilled in
- for when time allows. They aren't in any particular order.
- Feel free to mail me additions (or solutions!!)
- 1) VHDL Compiler : The version included at present is very limited, and has
- many of the options disabled at the moment.
- More complex structures & data types will be allowed as time goes on,
- starting with certain elements of behavioural modelling to allow for
- definition of clocked devices (PROCESS statements with sensitivity lists).
- 2) Block move.
- 3) Colour display configuration dialog (for owners of Falcons/TT or
- Crazy Dots et al cards).
- 4) Textual stimulus files (Galaxy .txi format)
- 5) Textual output files (Galaxy .txo format)
- 6) Synthesisable VHDL output - for those of you lucky enough to own a
- synthesis tool :) (Synopsis standard?)
- 7) Attatch Vector description to blocks - custom components. Once this is
- done, I'll enable the add component option in VECEDIT to allow you to
- create your own (currently all you can do is edit the existing gates).
- 8) Hierachy navigator - similar to the one in TransLogic's EASE system.
- 9) The Librarian - although the current one is a big improvement on
- what went before, it still needs work.
- 10) Text positioning - let you change it to be where you like.
- 11) EPLD synthesis - I've worked out how to get simple stuff down to a form
- that should fit in an INTEL 5032/5060/5090 EPLD,
- Programming details for EPLD's are required here.
- I have enough info to do a 22V10/26V12 & produce a JEDEC fuse map for it, so
- these will be the first IC to be supported, others will only come when I
- have the fuse maps to do them.
- 12) Clock buttons in the word generator - yeah I know they donn't work, this is
- on the current fix it list.
- 13) Multi-signal buses. A serious must here. I'd like to keep it elegant though
- so any suggestions on the GUI side of this would be appreciated, so I know
- how to approach it. Perhaps a PopUp with a list of the contents of a bus
- for extracting a single signal......?
- 14) SPICE output module.
- SPOUT (SPice OUTput) has been under developement for some 16 months. Not
- by me however, as developement was given over entirely to someone else,
- who has made a very nice job as far as it goes, but still needs about 2
- monthes of actual work to get it into a decent shape.
- I have given up on trying to push the guy into getting on with it, so...
- EMAIL to P.B.Johnson@newcastle.ac.uk to prod him into finishing the bloody
- thing........
- 15) Online Help. Only if people want it......actually that applies to most of
- the stuff on this list (except for the synthesis tool, which is a
- priority 'coz I want it for my own use before mid '95).
- 16) Finite State Machine Designer. This will start off as a seperate program,
- able to 'cartoon' simulate the behaviour of an FSM, and export CLA blocks
- in the same way that the VHDL compiler does. It MAY then become properly
- integrated, or more likely, will run under MultiTOS to provide client-
- server FSM editting (see below).
- NOTE: Well, it didn't quite start off that way after all. The FSM designer
- is currently a stand alone (unintegrated) which allows you to design
- FSM's and output .GEM images of them, AND to output synthesised
- chip design's in PALASM for programming a p22v10 PAL to do the job.
- it's been done like that just 'coz I needed one for my MEng Group
- Design Project. AVAILABLE NOW.
- 17) Modularisation. This is the big IF. My idea for CLA is to eventually split
- the entire system into seperate programs, running under a client-server
- model. The Schematic editor could act as a base for this, and would start
- up service processes (eg. an FSM editor, or a simulator) as required. This
- would allow a much more flexible system than exists at the moment. Oh well,
- that'll have to wait for MultiTOS to get sorted out, or for MagiX to get
- MiNT compatible Pipes & stuff.
- 5/12/93, Craig.